Are orthotics covered by insurance? No two insurance policies are exactly alike when it comes to coverage. Deciphering your coverage might be difficult as there are numerous insurance companies offering different levels of coverage at varied prices. We've developed a list of frequently asked questions to aid our patients in understanding their coverage:
Does insurance cover orthotics?
When orthotics are judged medically essential, the majority of insurance carriers pay for them partially or entirely. Some plans may additionally pay for orthotic shoes, bracing, and compression clothing. The easiest way to learn about the coverage options available is to contact your insurance provider or visit their website. The only people who can access the specifics of your coverage are you and any covered dependents; we are unable to make a request on your behalf.
What conditions must my insurance policy meet and how to get orthotics covered by insurance?
Although every plan is different, the majority call for one, some, or all of the following to be submitted:
- a personalized orthotics prescription from a reputable doctor specified in your plan.
- a thorough invoice
- individualized gait and biomechanical analysis
- information about the manufacturing process
Standard rate for insurance orthotics include:
- Assessment
- Prescription
- Biomechanical exam and gait analysis
- Casting
- Orthotics
- Professional fitting
- Patient treatment follow-up care and lab adjustments for a minimum of one year
- Annual check-ups for 5 years after your orthotics have been prescribed and fitted
The main questions like, “does insurance pay for orthotics?” “Does health insurance cover orthotics?” “How much do orthotics cost with insurance?” “Does insurance cover foot orthotics?” “Are insoles covered by insurance?” and other details about orthotics insurance coverage can be asked by calling the main health providers:
- Equitable Life: 1-800-265-8878
- Great West Life: 1-800-268-1154
- Green Shield: 1-888-711-1119
- Manulife: 1-800-268-6195
- Sun Life Insurance: 1-800-361-6212
Why may orthotics not be covered by insurance?
A majority of insurance carriers have some orthotic coverage. The following insurances, however, are ones that do not cover foot orthotics under any circumstance.
- Medicare
- Medicare supplement plans
- Medicare advantage plans
- Regence UNIFORM (most other Regence plans do cover orthotics)
- Kaiser
- Molina for adults (children under 16 often have coverage)
- United Health Care Community Plan
Check if insurance covers insoles through your insurance provider's website.
Your feet, more than any other body part, are at a higher risk of damage due to the strain of movement. Additionally, a variety of foot issues, such as hammertoes, blisters, bunions, corns and calluses, claw and mallet toes, ingrown toenails, toenail fungus, and athlete's foot, can arise from neglect, improper footwear, and ordinary wear and tear.
Your feet pain could possibly be the first indicator of a larger issue. For instance, gout frequently starts in the joints of the feet.
What can you do, then, to recognize and treat some frequent problems with your feet?
Athlete’s Foot
The distance between the toes and the bottoms of feet are frequently affected by athlete's foot, which is brought on by a fungus that prefers warm, dark, moist settings. It might irritate the skin and result in a rash that is white and scaly with a red base. Athlete's foot can also exhibit other symptoms as itching, burning, peeling, and occasionally a faint odor.
By keeping your feet dry and clean, switching out your shoes and socks frequently, and avoiding going barefoot in public restrooms and showers, you can reduce your risk of developing athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis. Athlete's foot can be treated with over-the-counter antifungal creams or sprays, and you can use powders and sprays inside your shoes to get rid of any leftover fungus.
You might need to visit a doctor and inquire about prescription-strength medicine if these methods do not relieve your symptoms.
Additionally, by making your shoes a less inviting environment for bacteria to live in, buying shoe inserts for athlete's foot can benefit you. The insoles lessen the possibility of getting a fungal infection by absorbing moisture and having anti-bacterial technology.
You may develop a hammertoe if your second, third, or fourth toe is crossed, bent in the middle of the toe joint, or pointing at an odd angle. Hammertoes are often caused by ill-fitting shoes.
Your doctor could advise you to wear roomier, more comfortable shoes if your toe is still flexible. Wearing foot pads or inserts might also assist in realigning your toe. With the help of additional cushioning and support where you need it, custom orthotics function by realigning the bones in your foot. They can stop your hammer toe from worsening as they work to correct the muscle-tendon imbalance that first gave rise to the condition.
The majority of blisters are brought on by contact between your foot's skin and the interior of your shoes.
By using comfortable, properly sized shoes and socks, you can avoid developing blisters on your feet, which are tender pockets of raised skin filled with clear fluid. Even though they hurt and make walking difficult, it's recommended to let blisters spontaneously break if they do form as opposed to popping them yourself. Also, blisters on the feet can be avoided and treated with orthotics. Orthotics can lessen discomfort and reduce friction on blisters on your feet.
If a blister forms, simply wrap it and wait for it to spontaneously burst. If it bursts, you should keep the region covered to avoid friction and prevent it from regenerating. You can apply an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment and bandage to help it heal and prevent infection.
Most foot blisters don't need to be treated by a doctor. However, you should speak with a doctor before treating any blisters if you have diabetes or another medical condition that makes you vulnerable to infections.
A bony growth at the base of the big toe joint is known as a bunion. The big toe turns inward toward the smaller toes as a result of the changes within the foot that generate the bump.
Bunions can develop as a result of congenital malformations, arthritis, trauma, genetics, or repetitively wearing shoes with an excessively small toe opening. High heels and tight-fitting shoes can aggravate bunions regardless of what initially caused them.
Bunions can be treated conservatively using padded shoe inserts, wider shoes, and over-the-counter painkillers. The evolution of a bunion can be slowed down and the pain it causes in the big toe joint can be lessened with the use of orthotics. Your bunion may experience increased pressure from conditions like flat feet, which can be relieved with orthotics. Surgery may be advised to realign the big toe if those remedies are unable to ease the pain and enable regular walking.

Corns and Calluses
Repeated friction against a bony part of the foot, typically caused by ill-fitting shoes, causes corns and calluses to develop.
While calluses typically develop on the bottoms of the feet, particularly under the heels or balls of the feet, and on the sides of the toes, corns can emerge on the tops, sides, and in between the toes. Walking on these compacted areas of dead skin cells can be difficult and uncomfortable.
If you have a lot of corns or calluses, you can remove the excess skin by soaking the afflicted region in warm water until it softens, then using a wet pumice stone or emery board to scrape the dead skin off.
However, proceed with caution: Excessive skin removal might result in bleeding and infection. In order to gradually soften the skin, you can also apply a moisturizing cream or lotion to the corn or callus and the surrounding dead skin.
If this doesn't help, you might need to see a podiatrist, who might suggest applying padding or moleskin to corns and calluses to ease pain. Additionally, by adjusting biomechanics and reducing pronation, arch support inserts can help prevent corns and calluses. They'll make sure your foot isn't slipping around inside your shoe, which would result in extra friction causing corns and calluses. Hammer toes, a secondary cause of corns and calluses, can be avoided with the use of insoles.
Plantar Fasciitis
The fascia, a ligament that connects the ball of the foot to the heel, can become inflamed or even torn with plantar fasciitis, a painful condition. There are no outward signs or symptoms of plantar fasciitis, only pain and stiffness in the foot.
Although research suggests the ailment is widespread among runners and other athletes of various levels, it is typically thought of as an overuse injury that can affect anyone.
A cold compress might be used to ease the discomfort. Additionally, your podiatrist could advise you to put on a splint at night to extend the injured foot. By preventing pronation, or the inward rolling of the foot, and relieving pressure on the plantar fascia, shoe insoles for plantar fasciitis provide pain relief. By doing so, it can mend, allowing you to feel terrific throughout your day.
Claw Toes and Mallet Toes
A claw toe looks curved, or claw like, because of the way it curves upward at the point where the toes and the foot connect and downward at the middle and end joints.
Where their toes scrape against shoes, claw toes frequently get calluses and corns. Claw toes can be attributed to both tight shoes and nerve damage to the feet (caused by diabetes or other diseases), which affects the foot muscles.
When a person has mallet toes, the toe bends downward at the joint at the tip of the toe, and the area where the toe rubs on the ground develops a painful corn. Due to its length, the second toe is typically the most impacted. Mallet toe has a number of causes, including arthritis and injuries.
Mallet toes can be treated in part by switching the type of shoes worn. Make sure the toe section of the shoe you choose is high and wide to accommodate your deformed toes. There will be enough space in the forefoot region in a shoe with a high, broad toe box, reducing friction on the toes. Arch support inserts can enhance or restore appropriate foot function and prevent future deformity development if over pronation or over supination are present. The use of arch supports can enhance and restore appropriate toe position and function if the deformity is flexible. Gel toe sleeves, hammer toe crests, and shoe insoles can all be used to prevent rubbing and heal uncomfortable corns and calluses.
When the body can't control uric acid levels, it can lead to gout, a form of arthritis where uric acid builds up in joint fluid and tissues. Although gout isn't just a foot condition, the big toe joint is often one of the first places the buildup occurs. This is because uric acid crystallizes as the temperature changes, and the toes are the body's coldest regions.
When a gout episode occurs, you'll likely be able to tell because the big toe's joint with the foot will become hot, red, and swollen, and it will hurt even the smallest contact.
Making dietary changes to stay away from things like red meat, seafood, and alcohol, especially beer, can help lower your risk of gout attacks.
The prevention of gout attacks also seems to be significantly impacted by maintaining a healthy body weight.
When you are experiencing a gout attack, remaining in bed and drinking water to stay hydrated may help, but if you experience regular attacks, your doctor will probably recommend seeing a rheumatologist to treat the illness.
It's crucial to put on properly fitting shoes. Wearing shoes that squeeze or apply pressure to the affected area is not advised. To ease strain on the metatarsal heads and joints, look for shoes with a large toe box and a rocker bottom sole.
A metatarsal pad and other shock-absorbing insoles placed beneath the foot may also be of use.
Gout medications are intended to lessen discomfort or regulate the body's production of uric acid.
While gout most frequently begins in the foot, it can travel to other joints where uric acid can build up and crystallize, restricting range of motion. For this reason, it's crucial to address the underlying cause of the ailment rather than just the symptoms.
Orthotic insoles are a popular approach to add more support to regular shoes and provide pain relief for your feet. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to determine which is the best option and whether the price of an orthotic insole is reasonable.
An orthotic insole's price is influenced by its quality and materials, like with other products. Cheaply produced insoles made of subpar or inexpensive materials may be alluring, but they are probably going to wear out quickly or fall short of their claims. This article will provide you with a summary of the many types of orthotic insoles and discuss how much they cost.
What Do Doctors Think About Insoles?
Doctors typically recommend inserts or insoles for heels and shoes to aid with a variety of medical issues. Ankle sprains, foot pain, broken arches, flat feet, knee troubles, or back problems are a few of these. However, the majority of individuals think that orthotics are only recommended in certain situations. In actuality, there are numerous ways that these personalized insoles assist and enhance your body's physical wellness.
According to doctors’ opinion, you should wear custom orthotics for the following reasons:
“Different joints in your body experience pressure when you walk or run because of gravity's pull and the force of inertia. Orthotics can relieve joint pressure and assist your feet in bearing weight properly. This lessens joint wear and tear and keeps you from experiencing pain and stiffness.” - says Dr. Doherty, Prof. of Sofia Medical University (Bulgaria)
“The majority of individuals who have used foot orthotics are aware of how comfortable they can be when walking. They are well-cushioned and alleviate the impact that walking causes to the heel and the arches. In the event of a joint issue or a foot injury, they aid in pain reduction.” - continues Dr. Kumar, MD in University of Mumbai (India).
“As people get older, the pressure of walking, running, and climbing and descending stairs starts to weaken and wear down their bones. Some people may eventually require surgery to repair their knees and hips. The health of the joints and bones is improved and to some extent prevented by custom orthotics. Similar to how orthotics are a terrific technique to help someone walk pain-free if they have any foot abnormalities.” - as per Dr. Rouvière from Marseille University Hospital (France)
Benefits and advantages of using orthotics
If the foot's muscles, ligaments, tendons, or bones are out of place, causing foot pain, discomfort, or exhaustion, medical professionals frequently advise foot orthotics. Let's examine some of the crucial advantages of orthotics for your feet and general wellness.
Providing support for your feet:
To provide extra stability while you stand and walk, custom orthotics are made to support the anatomical foot arches. Although over-the-counter shoe inserts can also give your foot some stability, they are not made to fit a specific foot and won't give your foot the best balance and support across its whole surface. Custom orthotics, on the other hand, will specifically address misalignments in your problem along your entire foot. Custom orthotics, as opposed to generic over-the-counter insoles, can treat foot abnormalities like pronation (collapsed arches) and supination (high arches).
Protecting your joints:
The real force applied to the joints in your feet, legs, and spine when you walk, run, or leap is equivalent to several times your weight. For people who are overweight, frequently walk on hard surfaces, or have foot issues like flat feet, the deterioration of the body's joints over time can result in pain and soreness. However, by dispersing the pressure more equally across the surface of your feet, custom orthotics can assist your feet in supporting the force load of your body. Custom orthotics can also cushion impacts to keep you moving throughout the day. Importantly, custom orthotics can help you regain balance even if your feet don't match up perfectly.
Minimizing pain:
Misalignments in the foot's structure brought on by ailments such as flat feet, arthritis, and plantar fasciitis can be extremely painful throughout the body. This occurs as the body tries to correct its biomechanical balance to account for the unbalanced foot alignment, putting more strain on the ankles, knees, and lower back. Without placing undue stress on other joints or body components, custom orthotics can help to reduce discomfort brought on by biomechanical misalignments and encourage recovery. Custom orthotics play an important role in preventing foot ulcers in people with diabetes.
Improving athletic performance:
Additionally, custom orthotics can help you become a better athlete. By reducing the force load of the technical demands of a particular sport, orthotics made for athletic activity can help perform precise and effective motions. Additionally, by spreading your weight more evenly across the surface of your foot, custom orthotics might help you balance better. In addition to offering foot protection, orthotic devices also minimize muscular fatigue, improve foot and leg movements, absorb shock, and increase motion control. Your sports custom orthotics should be created for the precise physical activity you engage in for optimal athletic performance.
Injury avoidance:
Our feet suffer when we walk or run, especially those of us who spend a lot of time on our feet. Fortunately, personalized orthotics can aid in the prevention and treatment of a variety of bone and muscle issues, including stress fractures and injuries to the tendons, muscles, and joints. Custom orthotics, according to scientific studies, can aid in the prevention of injuries like knee discomfort, plantar fasciitis, and medial tibial stress syndrome. According to study results, foot orthotics decreased the likelihood of stress fractures by 41% and injuries by 28%. Conversely, over-the-counter shock-absorbing insoles did not provide the same level of protection.
The majority of private insurance plans do cover custom orthotics, and you may be covered by your employer or your spouse. You'll need a prescription from a licensed medical expert, along with a diagnostic from a foot-care specialist stating why you require the orthotics, in order to be eligible for this type of coverage. Additionally, orthotics purchased from a pharmacy or used for leisure activities are not covered. As well, the orthotics must be manufactured from a 3D cast of your feet using the appropriate materials (plastics, foam). Please get in touch with your provider directly to find out what your plan covers. This material is also available online.
Not sure what “rocker” means
It’s essential to check with your insurance provider for specifics, as coverage can vary. Understanding what’s included can save a lot of hassle down the road. Thanks for shedding light on this important topic!
Dear Gabe,
It is important for us at EASYFEET that our insoles could be available for more people in order to make their daily routine comfortable, as well as to resolve the problems of foot and back pain. We are glad that the insurance coverage for the purchase of insoles makes this possible.
At the same time, we try to satisfy all the needs of our customers and in 2023 we expanded the line of our insoles that will pleasantly surprise you with high quality and improved performance. Check out the new features on the site.
Real eye-opener for me! I had no idea that insurance could cover the purchase of orthopedic insoles