One of the most common reasons of heel discomfort is plantar fasciitis. It is caused by inflammation of a broad band of tissue that links the heel bone to the toes on the bottom of each foot.
Plantar fasciitis is a type of inflammation that causes stabbing pain when you take your first steps in the morning. The discomfort usually goes away as you get up and move around, but it may come back after long periods of standing or when you stand up after sitting. The location of plantar fasciitis pain the bottom of your foot, around your heel and arch. You can usually ease the pain yourself but see a GP if it does not improve within 2 weeks.

The exact cause of plantar fasciitis is unknown. Runners and persons who are overweight are more likely to develop it.
Collagen degeneration of the plantar fascia at the origin, calcaneal tuberosity of the heel, and the surrounding perifascial tissues cause plantar fasciitis.
The plantar fascia is an integral part of the foot's natural biomechanics. It plays a crucial role in arch support and stress absorption.
Despite the presence of the suffix "itis" in the diagnosis, this illness is distinguished by the absence of inflammatory cells. Because there are other causes of pain in the plantar heel, other than the plantar fascia, the phrase "Plantar Heel Pain" is best used to encompass a larger scope when describing this and associated disorders.
- Heel pain when taking your first few steps in the morning or after extended durations of non-weight bearing.
- The anterior medial heel is painful.
- Dorsiflexion is limited, and the achilles tendon is tight.
- A limp or a propensity for toe walking may be apparent.
- When walking barefoot on hard surfaces or ascending stairs, the pain is frequently severe.
- Prior to the start of symptoms, many individuals may have had a rapid increase in their activity level.
What do the signs and symptoms of plantar fasciitis look like?
Plantar fasciitis patients have described a dull pain, as well as a sharp sensation. Plantar fasciitis causes the following symptoms:
- Pain in the bottom of the heel or in the area around it.
- Exercising causes more discomfort (afterwards, not during).
- The arch of the foot hurts.
- Pain that is worse first thing in the morning or when you stand up after a lengthy period of sitting.
- The heel is enlarged.
- Pain that lasts for months at a time.
- The Achilles tendon is tense. (This symptom is reported by 80% of respondents.) Your calf muscles and your heel are connected by your Achilles tendon.
What causes plantar fasciitis in the first place?
The plantar fascia is damaged, inflamed, or torn by too much pressure and straining.
Unfortunately, in some cases, there is no discernible cause. Plantar fasciitis is more likely to develop if:
- Your feet are either high-arched or flat.
- You walk around in shoes that aren't supportive to your feet (especially for a long time on a hard surface).
- You're overweight. (About 70% of people with plantar fasciitis are also overweight.)
- You're a sportsperson.
- You're an athlete who runs or jumps.
- On a hard surface, you work or exercise.
- You have to stand for long amounts of time.
- You don't extend your calves while you exercise.
How can you know if you have plantar fasciitis?

Following a review of your medical history, your healthcare professional will undertake a physical examination of your foot. Plantar fasciitis is the most frequent cause of pain when applying pressure on the plantar fascia. It's a significant red flag if you can't raise your toes or if you have tingling or lack of feeling in your foot.
They'll inquire about things like "does the discomfort get worse in the morning?" "Does the pain normally lessen throughout the day and with use?" and "Does the pain typically reduce throughout the day and with use?" These and affirmative responses to similar questions can assist your doctor to figure out if you have plantar fasciitis.
Elimination is a part of the procedure of identifying plantar fasciitis. When you report foot discomfort, a fracture, stress fracture, tendonitis, arthritis, nerve entrapment, or a cyst in the heel are all possibilities. Your healthcare practitioner may arrange imaging tests to rule out other possible explanations, such as:
- X-rays.
- Scans of the bones.
- Ultrasound.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a type of imaging that (MRI).
Differential Diagnosis is a term used to describe the process of determining the cause of:
- Achilles tendonopathy, fat pad atrophy, heel contusion, plantar fascia rupture, posterior tibial tendonitis, and retrocalcaneal bursitis are examples of soft tissue injuries.
- Sever's disease, calcaneal stress fractures, infections, inflammatory arthropathies, and subtalar arthritis are all skeletal conditions.
- Metabolic diseases, osteomalacia, Paget's disease, sickle cell disease, malignancies (rare), vascular insufficiency, and rheumatoid arthritis are some of the more common conditions.
- Extensive patient education is required.
- This is normally a self-limiting illness, and with conservative treatment, symptoms usually heal within 12 months, if not sooner.
- More chronic cases of this problem may require extended follow-up in order to investigate more advanced therapy and evaluate gait and biomechanical issues that may be rectified by gait retraining.
- Corticosteroid injections have been demonstrated to be useful in the short term (less than four weeks), but ineffective over time.
- The evidence for platelet rich plasma, dex prolotherapy, and extracorporeal shockwave therapy's efficacy is mixed.
How to cure plantar fasciitis?
- Use of shoe inserts for plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis orthotics can help restore optimal mechanics to relieve stress on the plantar fascia and thus, with time, reduce irritation and pain.
- Massage your feet.
- Stretch.
- Use Toe Separators.
- Strengthen your feet with a washcloth.
Management of plantar fasciitis physical therapy when you see signs plantar fasciitis is healing. Some tips how to relieve plantar fasciitis:
- Exercise for plantar fasciitis. Stretching and strengthening of the gastrocnemius/soleus/plantar fascia, sport orthotics, ultrasound, iontophoresis, night splints, and joint mobilization/manipulation are all common therapies.
- Strengthening is a good thing to do. High-load strength training appears to be useful in the treatment of plantar fasciitis, similar to tendonopathy treatments. High-load strength exercise may help to reduce pain and improve function more quickly. According to a systematic review, there is little evidence to support the use of foot muscle exercise in plantar fasciitis patients.
- Posterior-night splints keep the ankle in dorsiflexion and the toes in extension, allowing the plantar fascia to be stretched continuously. Although some evidence suggests that night splints are beneficial, Cole et al. found that there was limited evidence to support the use of night splints to treat patients with pain that lasted longer than six months, and that patients who received custom-made night splints improved more than those who received prefabricated night splints.
- Iontophoresis with acetic acid and tape.
- Foot orthoses provide minor short-term functional improvements and may also provide minor pain relief for persons with plantar fasciitis, but they offer no long-term benefits when compared to a sham device, whether personalized or prefabricated. The degree of proof: a prefabricated shoe insert, when used in conjunction with a stretching program, is more likely than a bespoke polypropylene orthotic device to reduce symptoms as part of the initial therapy of proximal plantar fasciitis. Insoles may be a valuable treatment, according to a systematic study, although pre-fabricated or custom insoles appear to be more successful at lowering pain and improving function than sham or some models of off-the-shelf insoles.
- Plantar fasciitis insoles can help relieve discomfort by reducing stress. Insoles provide comfort, support, and effective stress distribution in your feet, as well as shock absorption. Wearing insoles for plantar fasciitis for four weeks has been found to reduce foot discomfort and improve foot function capacity.
How to help plantar fasciitis / how to prevent plantar fasciitis and what not to do with plantar fasciitis?
- Avoid activities that cause an impact on your feet, such as sprinting or jumping.
- Reduce your physical activity (particularly running) or avoid it altogether until your symptoms have subsided.
- Do not push through any form of pain. Pain in this scenario is NOT weakness leaving the body, as your doctor will most likely propose. It's simply a source of discomfort. Being tough can potentially make things worse; you could completely tear or burst the plantar fascia! This can result in surgery and a period of months or years away from the game.
- Avoid walking around barefoot or in worn-out, flat shoes. Wearing shoes with specific arch support that can help to lessen pain should be prescribed or encouraged.
Plantar fasciitis exercises to avoid
Avoid high-impact activities such as running and jumping, which put a lot of stress on your feet: they can also make your calf muscles tighter if you don't first stretch them out. If you're a runner and want to continue running, take at least a couple of weeks off to ice and rest your feet, then start slowly, gradually building up distance and endurance.
How long does plantar fasciitis last & does plantar fasciitis go away? With the use of home therapies, more than 95% of persons with plantar fasciitis are able to recover within 6 months of commencement. While six months may seem like a long period, it pales in comparison to the time it takes to recover from surgery.
If your plantar fasciitis symptoms persist after several weeks of self-care, it's time to see a podiatrist or orthopedist, as well as, in certain circumstances, a physical therapist, for a proper diagnosis.
What to anticipate from your physician?
Questions like these are likely to be asked by your health care provider:
- Do you have a pattern of symptoms that arise at certain times of the day?
- What kind of footwear do you prefer to wear?
- Are you a runner or do you participate in any running-related sports?
- Do you work in a physically demanding environment?
- Have you ever had issues with your feet?
- Do you have discomfort in any other parts of your body besides your feet?
- What, if anything, seems to help you feel better?
- What, if anything, seems to make your symptoms worse?
- What are the best insoles for plantar fasciitis?
If you're experiencing heel pain, see your doctor to learn more about treating plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis or anything else, such as a stress fracture or arthritis, could be the cause. To employ the most effective at-home cures, you must first confirm the correct diagnosis. Keep in mind that you don't have to suffer in silence! Improve your quality of life by educating yourself and finding the correct resources.